Thursday, March 8, 2012

Narcissism in the Millennial Generation is increasing every year because of parents, schools, and the media boosting the children's self-esteem for no reason and narcissism leads to very aggressive people who are not pleasant to be around and that cannot take criticism.

Parents are our care keeper, our protectors, and the basis of who we are, how we act, and if we take that turn into narcissism.  Through their parenting and how they raise us they play a huge part in who we are as a person.  My parents played an enormous part in who I am and how I act.  They taught me manners, how to talk to adults, they taught me not to be prideful, and they taught me to love the lord.  This is not the case for many of the millennia's sadly.  Twenge says "Boomer parents 'are more likely than their parents were to praise children -- and maybe over praise them"'(7). They are grown up with their parents constantly telling them they are special and perfect just the way they are.  At first this sounds like an amazing parenting job but intern this is the start to children developing narcissism.  When you praise a child for no other reason than he is alive it causes them to think that they are this amazing perfect person and it only builds.  It takes away from their ability to want to try or do better because who wants to try when they are constantly praised for doing nothing.  This sense of self worth for nothing other than being alive just builds and builds until they believe they are this perfect person who deserves and get what they want or in other words narcissism.  When this attitude hits the real world, their whole view of the world is torn asunder.  Elias Marilyn says "Millennials or Gen Y young people may be heading for a fall when their self-esteem is punctured by reality"(7).  When a person comes into the world thinking they deserve anything they want, that they are perfect, when reality hits hard.  They realize they are not this perfect person and they realize that even they can fail.  This is very hard for a person with narcissism to see that they are not perfect and even they can fail.  This devastates them and can lead to depression. Parents are the one of the main causes for this self obsessed behavior that can lead to narcissism and if we learn from their mistakes we can make sure that we do not raise another generation of narcissist.


  1. I would have to agree with you about how parents are praising kids for nothing. I see everyday children in highschool who are driving 50 thousand dollar cars that their parents paid for and still complain that they didnt get the car they want. But it is not 100% the parents fault, the children must learn from their surrounding not only their parents.

  2. First off, I LOVE THE PICTURE! So cute :)
    I agree with you for the most part. This generation is very self-absorbed and materialistic. Whether that is entirely the parents' fault or not, I'm not 100% sold.

  3. I agreed with with you on the point that parents shouldn't raise kids letting them know they are perfect but raising them and letting them know imperfections can be perfect too is. But then again, parents want their kids to feel loved so you can't blame them. I believed people are the way they are because of how they want to act. Their actions are within their own hands, not others. Great job on the paper though!

  4. I agree that part of the reason why millennials are so selfcentered is because of the way they were raised. I always see parents giving their children everything they want. This is bad because children will grow up thinking that everything in life comes easily.
